Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=McWhorter AND David AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
Continuous subsurface injection of liquid dairy manure / 1977
Ground-water hydrology and hydraulics 1977
Irrigation practices and return flow salinity in Grand Valley / 1979
Leaching and hydraulic properties of retorted oil shale including effects from codisposal of wastewater / 1987
Leaching and selected hydraulic properties of processed oil shales / 1984
Lysimeter study on the disposal of Paraho retorted oil shale / 1979
Potential effects of irrigation practices on crop yields in Grand Valley / 1979
Procedures for predictive analysis of selected hydrologic impacts of surface mining. 1982
Project summary : procedures for predictive analysis of selected hydrologic impacts of surface mining / 1983
Quality and quantity of leachate from raw mined Colorado oil shale / 1984
Reconnaissance study of leachate quality from raw mined oil shale - laboratory columns / 1980
Reconnaissance study of leachate quality from raw mined oil shale-laboratory columns / 1981
Surface and subsurface water quality hydrology in surface mined watersheds / 1979
Technology effectiveness assessment of soil vapor extraction 1994
Water quality control in mine spoils, Upper Colorado River Basin / 1975
Water Quality Management in the Oil Shale Region, Draft 1976

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